To Behold Him

To Behold Him

He is


Gentleness, Compassion
Not in touch so tender 

but in definition of His Name
So may I rest in Him

He is

Not in works and wonders

or miracles we see

but in the essence of His being
So may I fear Him

He is

Not in moments 
Or perfect timelines

but in the vastness of His mind
So may I trust Him

He is

Not fair
Not considering the ways of man
but righteousness so pure
So may I tremble before Him

He is 

Not in turned wrath
Or showered favor
But in the weaving of His heart 
So may I weep at His feet

He is


Not in laws
Or in sacrifices
but far beyond my understanding
So may I worship Him

He is

Wonders just a shadow
Works just a reflection
He is! So He does! 
So may I ever marvel


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