His pleasure

Eric Liddel was a passionate man. He lived his passion in his faith in every nook of his life. He ran ... he ran fast. He won a bronze and a gold in the 1924 Olympics. He wouldn't compete in the 100 meter runs because they were held on Sunday. He was a man of God. He lived with conviction. I am sure he heard "Well done, my good and faithful servant".

I love his quote. "I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel his pleasure." 

There are times when I write, not everytime, but in the quiet still times of praising God, I feel His pleasure. It is like He is pouring out His glory in my life and I have to write. In the times of snuggling kids, cleaning house, doing laundry or cooking a meal that makes the family feel I love them, I feel HIS pleasure. The times when His glory pours out into me and I do .... do whatever to the glory of God. 

When do you feel His pleasure?


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