Daily mundane pursuit of holiness

As God seems to continually bring holiness to my attention, I find that I am thinking about it in the littlest things. Pursuit of holiness happens every moment of everyday. "Consider it all joy" in every situation can be overwhelming.

As I was putting away pots and pans from last night's dinner, I started to grumble about the lack of space in my kitchen which causes me to put pans away in the most awkward cupboard. "Happiness or holiness" came to mind.  I then, at the prompting of God, thanked him for the dishes that are often dirty with more than enough food, evident by my bulging waistline. My girls are probably tired of hearing "Are you pursuing your happiness or holiness".

I am learning to thank God for the overdemanding kids that cause me to die to myself. I am praising God for the amount of home schooling two teens, parenting with an autistic child, keeping up with a toddler and trying to keep a house that has caused me to evaluate what is important and force me to learn to be disciplined.

I am starting to see God in the smallest details. The man today that seemed to be purposely walking as slow as possible across the parking lot was no longer an irritation. I thought of holiness as I seek to glorify God in patience.

The daily, often mundane, life is full of God's lessons if we only seek to focus on Him in every moment of the day. I am finding that as James says "faith without works is dead", my faith lived in the smallest things will someday give fruit to even larger things. Praise to God for His faithfulness and hand on my life.


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