Friendship with God

 I experienced a painful breaking of a friendship in my life. I have been reading through a True Woman Movement book which points out that all trials in our life are chosen for us by God. I had been learning to accept this season in my life as a gift from God.

This weekend at True Woman Conference was an incredible working of God stripping things from my life. So painful and so beautiful at the same time. Through the sovereignty of God, I went alone to this conference. I couldn't even find anyone I knew. I had left phone numbers at home to be able to even contact them. God isolated me.

A speaker asked us to pray with those around us about things when needed to surrender to God. Those around me gathered with people they came with. In that instance, I felt utterly isolated and alone. God revealed that I desired friendship with people more than friendship with Him. I felt extremely lonely. I began to surrender with the crying out in my heart that I will give this up, but I need you. Please don't leave me all alone. God revealed that I had a hard time releasing this friendship in my heart, though I had physically a long time ago. I was clinging to an idol.

I made it to the prayer room and fell to my knees and my body shook in sobs. I repented of idolatry and felt a painful cutting away of flesh and then peace. Rarely did I sit next to another woman in the conference, though I was never alone. We were asked to hold hands with those around us to pray. Again women were connecting with those they came with and the woman next to me distracted by the people next to her. This time, however, I was holding the hand of God and in complete peace. I smiled as I closed my eyes and soon after felt a woman's hand join mine. The sweetness of God.  I am looking forward to the continuing of a much deeper relationship with God.

"As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after thee"


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