
Showing posts from October, 2012

Why Examination is Important part 4

What is fruit? James tells us there will be works. When I was growing up I thought works or fruit in a Christian's life was how many people I brought to God. I am not really sure where that thinking came from. It was definitely the focal point of churches, Christian events and missionary success. However, salvation is in the hand of God. We cannot make anyone believe. So, it is wrong to use that as a sign of fruit. I think God does give us a very clear picture of fruit. I think it would be describe better as change. We change as a believer. That change becomes evident to others and affects how we interact in the world. There are too many verses that support this to be able to list more than a small fraction of them. Just read the whole New Testament. Well and the Old Testament :)  also supports this idea of change, Ezekiel 11 so beautifully tells us that God does this work. " Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them,  [fn]  and take...

Why Examination is Important part 3

Cautions: This has more to do with how we interact with others and examination. I have noticed a trend among conservative Christians that teach evidence of salvation. I have noticed a "spiritual gift" of fruit inspector arise. I have even heard of churches refusing people because they don't see a person have enough faith or fruit. I have seen people criticized, condemned, and disheartened to the point of leaving Christian fellowship. Then I have seen these same people justify it as these people were not really saved. This saddens, but doesn't surprise me. Satan will cause extremes to try and  make the work of Spirit ineffective.  I think that is why the Bible mentions so often how we should love each other. It is love that stands out and speaks volumes to unbelievers.  Yet, on the other side, we are not to "love" to the  point we throw out doctrine. The Bible IS doctrine and God finds it important enough to have written a whole book about it.  It is a de...

Why Examination is Important part 2

In my previous post, I briefly explained the reasons for examination of one's life and the few examples of examination of other's lives. The most important (and probably the least done) of all examination is of one's self. Lam 3:40  Let us examine and probe our ways, And let us return to the LORD. 2 Cor 13:5  Test yourselves  to see  if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you  fail the test? Gal 6:4   But each one must examine his own work, and then he will have  reason for  boasting in regard to himself alone, and not in regard to another. American is so against anyone doubting their faith. "Oh just remember that day you are saved.... write it down in the back of the Bible and look at it when you doubt." I never see that in scripture. Not once. Test yourself to see if you are in the faith Paul says, he does not say think back to the day we to...

Why Examination is Important part 1

You don't have to know me long to realize one of my passions is teaching evidence of salvation. When about 75% of Americans call themselves "Christian" ( Less call themselves Christian  - cnn article) then wouldn't we be a "Christian" nation. However, Jesus says in Matthew 7 that not all that say Lord Lord (emphasis in scripture ... Lord you are Lord!!!) are saved.  Matthew 7 also teaches that the way is narrow and FEW find it.  Again Matthew 22:14, many are called but FEW are chosen. This is consistent with a remnant being saved throughout the Bible. Even among the Jews, many were called out of Eygpt... not all of them were chosen. Many died quick deaths choosing idols over God ... even more never made it to the promised land. However, in America if you say a prayer you are saved. No! Not biblical. The Bible consistently in all scripture teaches change of life with salvation. Though I will not go into that in this post, I have touched on it in other posts...